The Review of Diabetic Studies

C-Peptide is Relevant in Type 1 Diabetes and its Complications: Summary and Conclusions to the Special Issue

John Wahren
Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Anders A.F. Sima
Department of Pathology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA.


It has been very satisfying to put together this Special Edition of The Review of Diabetic Studies on C-peptide and diabetes. We are greatly encouraged by the advances being made in this research area, and especially to see the beneficial effects of C-peptide making their way into clinic. Once regarded as a redundant waste product of insulin synthesis, C-peptide is now recognized as an important regulatory hormone in its own right. Our understanding of C-peptide physiology is expanding rapidly. It is abundantly clear that C-peptide deficiency in type 1 diabetes plays important pathogenetic roles in the development of various complications, with consequent beneficial effects upon C-peptide replacement.

diabetes, C-peptide, pathogenetic,.



Demosthenes Panagiotakos

Abbreviation Title

Rev Diabet Stud

